Tag: Coaching & Training
Valuable Tips for Improving Sales Hiring
Sales reps represent your company to customers and prospects. A poor hire is not only costly but can also do collateral damage to your brand. It’s worth your time and effort to improve your sales hiring criteria and process.
The Books That Taught Me How to Sell
There are hundreds books on sales and business, all of which have some value, even if we don't recognise it right away. Here is a selection which are core to development and can alter sales results.
Get Better At Selling, Or You Will Get Worse
Selling is going to continue to evolve—maybe more than other areas of business. If you are not actively working on getting better, you are getting worse. Don’t let the limits of your perception be the limits of your results.
10,000 Hours Of Sales
Practice cannot be simply repetition or rehearsing with obvious errors. It needs to be deliberate, guided by a coach or mentor, corrected where necessary.
The Best of Social Selling – BOSS Podcast Volume 2 (Sponsored)
The Best of Social Selling Podcast is a weekly podcast that helps front line sellers, sales leaders and marketers get an edge on their use of LinkedIn. To help them reach their sales and business goals more effectively - hosted by Mark McInnes.
Best of Social Selling Wrap up. BOSS Podcast (Sponsored)
The Best of Social Selling Podcast is a weekly podcast that helps front line sellers, sales leaders and marketers get an edge on their use of LinkedIn. To help them reach their sales and business goals more effectively - hosted by Mark McInnes.
Meet The ‘A Listers’ Ruining Their Careers
Systems and processes, analytics, technology and automation are all key components of sales success, but behind all of those tools someone needs to drive them.
Talent Versus Skill. Time To Sharpen Your Skills?
Anyone with the desire to work on themselves and grow personally can learn. It really doesn’t matter where people start, as long as they view sales as a profession and invest the effort necessary to learn and perfect the skills.
What Sales Teams Can Learn From Warren Buffett’s Wisdom
Warren Buffett knows a thing or two about investing and his insights and wise counsel hold very true for building highly effective sales teams. Here are some of his famous quotes and how we see them in relation to building sales teams.
Are You Leading Or Are You Managing?
We know that sales leadership success requires both leadership and management in order to drive high performance. Through focusing on 5 high quality activities, you will be able to put yourself in a very strong position to invest 80% of your time leading and 20% managing, and this will deliver outstanding performance.