Here are the top 5 articles based on website page views which are generated from the email newsletter, social media and search engines.

#5 Leadership Q&A with Ricky Chanana of Twitch
Ricky Chanana is the Head of Sales for Twitch ANZ, where he believes in utilising consumer research, actionable insights and market awareness to help his clients supercharge their digital campaigns and drive business results.
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#4 10 Psychological Triggers To Become Highly Influential
If you don’t understand the psychology of selling, then the words are going to fall flat if they’re not used in the right context. You need to understand why your prospects behave the way they do.
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#3 Leadership Q&A with Ghay Haidar of FarmaForce
Ghay Haidar is the Sales Director of FarmaForce. Eight times, across different organisations, Ghay has led teams who have won the coveted PRIME Awards’ “Sales Team of the Year” in Primary & Secondary Care.
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#2 Five Signs You’re An Order Taker And Not A Salesperson
Order-taker is a derogatory term used to describe a person who has a sales title and job description but does no actual selling. Here are five telltale signs that indicate that a person is really an order-taker and not a salesperson.
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As a prospective customer of yours: It’s not my job to care, it’s your job to make me care. During your presentation dry-run, every time you make a statement which relates to your business or your solution, hold up your ‘So What’ card.
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Congratulations to Cian McLoughlin for authoring the most read article on Head Of Sales. We thank all of our lead authors for their contribution to a successful launch.
A special mention the top five contributors who were Tony Hughes (22 articles), Anthony Iannarino (14 articles), Charmaine Keegan (14 articles), Sue Barrett (11 articles) and Mark McInnes (10 articles).
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