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Employee Value Propositions that articulate why sales people should work for you along with talent management strategies help your organisation to recruit, select, on-board, develop and retain the best talent. Even if the economy slows, the war for talent is never over.

Hiring sign

7 Considerations For Sales Recruitment During COVID.

The ‘War For Talent’ is raging and we’re the combatants trying to defend our turf. Getting creative and human with your recruitment ad’ campaign is ‘mission-critical’ in 2020.
Data Recruit

How Data Changes The Recruitment Game

For years now we've all been told what best-practice in the 'selection' piece of recruitment looks like. The Game has changed and it is time to stop recruiting with your fingers crossed.
Sales Hiring Tips Article

Valuable Tips for Improving Sales Hiring

Sales reps represent your company to customers and prospects. A poor hire is not only costly but can also do collateral damage to your brand. It’s worth your time and effort to improve your sales hiring criteria and process.
New Recruits

What Qualities Do Good Sales Recruits Have?

Determine what type of salesperson and/or approach you need first. The higher the complexity of what you are selling, the more skilful and knowledgeable your salespeople will need to be when it comes to customer engagement.
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Sales Recruitment – 6 Issues You Need To Address To Get It Right

Many businesses, large and small, still find it very difficult to recruit effective sales people. Whether you go direct to market or use a recruiter, you hold the key and need to own the sales recruitment process.

Hiring The Right Sales People Is Incredibly Difficult.

Hiring the right sales people is incredibly difficult. What defines the right sales person and how do you screen-out those who look good but can't deliver?